There are various news of Income Tax Department (ITD) authorities catching people red handed who have hidden the new Rs. 2000 currency notes in their homes, in their lockers, in their cars, in bathrooms and what not. Every second day, a news like this being reported. This has risen speculations of how these ITD officials are being able to do this. Some say there is a nano chip in these notes which is helping them.
But the truth is something else. The Ministry of Finance has clearly stated that there is no chip inside of these notes and these reports are false. So the question still remains, how is the ITD able to do this?
Another report had revealed that the officials had used fake customers as decoy to catch people who have been exchanging notes. The ITD has also caught people who have been converting the black money into white, and who are working behind the scenes. They are also in touch with the bank authorities and they are working on information received on a daily basis.
A few days back, even PM Modi has warned people involved in such activities that they cannot escape the law. They shall be caught and put behind bars. I have set up cameras even at the back doors of the banks, so you cannot even conspire with the bank workers.
He even said that whoever has been involved in this after the 8th of November, they shall not be spared at any cost. And within 2 or 4 or 6 months, they will be caught.
The PM has promised the people of India that the situation will be completely solved by the end of December. Many are surprised to see his confidence about this situation.
So even if you have ‘contacts’, be aware. You are not safe.