
Breaking: Modi Government Will Finally Halt the Indus River Water Supply to Pakistan. Will Form Task Force Within a Week

Here is some good news for every Indian. PM Modi has finally taken a firm stance on the issue of supply of Indus river Water to Pakistan. He has said that he will completely stop this supply to Pakistan. And in this respect, he will even form a task force within the next 7 days.

A source has revealed that, “The government wants to ensure surplus water for farmers in border states of Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir. This can easily be done by stopping water from Indian rivers which flows into Pakistan from going waste there.”
The Indus Waters Treaty of 1960 governs the water distribution and sharing rights of six rivers, namely, Beas, Ravi, Sutlej, Indus, Chenab and Jhelum.
The source further added that “Framework for the task force on Indus Water Treaty has been prepared. The task force will comprise 6 to 7 members and will be formed within a week.”

It is notable that just 2 weeks back, PM Modi had vowed to supply every drop of water from these rivers to our brothers from Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir, at an event in Bhatinda. He has time and again said that this water belongs to our Indian brothers and not Pakistan.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi had said that Sutlej, Beas, Ravi waters belong to India and is not being used in Pakistan. “Every drop of this water will be stopped and would be given to farmers of Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir,” Mr. Modi had said at the function.
Just yesterday, the World Bank had paused the separate processes initiated by India and Pakistan and asked them to consider alternative methods to resolve this issue. To this, India has responded by saying that the proceeding with both the steps simultaneously was “legally untenable”.

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