
Shocking: Legion troll Barkha Dutt on her birthday for Dadri Riots

The hacker group Legion, which recently hacked the accounts of popular NDTV journalists, Barkha Dutt and Ravish Kumar, trolled Barkha Dutt again, on her birthday. Although the group wished her

‘Happy Birthday’ on twitter, it was not without a rant and abuses. The group had earlier stated that they do not have any of their accounts operating on any social media platform. Thus it cannot be stated whether these are the hackers or someone else targeting her.
Hi @BDUTT, long time no see. So, could you finally find your dry cleaner's number? Need help ma'am?😇
Hi @BDUTT, long time no see. So, could you finally find your dry cleaner's number? Need help ma'am?😇
.@BDUTT Oh, is today your B'day? Buy something good from that 7cr of all taxes paid Radia money. BTW, Hope nobody's troubling you ma'am😇😇
And this
Hi @BDUTT, long time no see. So, could you finally find your dry cleaner's number? Need help ma'am?😇
@BDUTT Hats off to you for giving 'Dadri' such a twist. Happy b'day, Bitch. Enjoy😇😇pic.twitter.com/A1zZVmiNYA
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Barkha: How many Hindus eat beef?
Wow. Really?
Is this what you want to know?

In a series of tweets, they brought back her Radia tapes incident, and also accused her of twisting the Dadri case for inciting communal violence. They also exposed screenshots of email taken for the female journalist’s email account. The screenshots of the emails showed her asking someone to get people related to the case, in-order to keep up the momentum of the debate. The emails as such did not provide any evidence of inciting communal violence, and had many grammatical errors, which are unlikely from a fluent english speaker, like the journalist herself.

Whether the hackers are genuinely attempting to put forth information in public interest or are only working on a propaganda is not clear yet. They had earlier also warned about hacking the accounts of Lalit Modi and Sansad.nic.in, to bring to public notice, confidential information.

While targeting Barkha Dutt on her birthday, through twitter, they also questioned her on the beef ban in India, and whether she found her dry cleaner’s number or not.
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