If you have not watched this awesome video, watch it right here, right now. Ever since the anti national activities carried out by the infamous Kanhaiya Kumar, everyone in the country and the world over is looking at the Jawahar Lal Nehru University (JNU) with suspicious eyes. Like they say, one rotten apple ruins the entire basket. Links emerging from across the border and alleged support from an infamous terrorist is only making the matters worse.
A substantial percentage of JNUTA are members of Communist Party of India and all its varieties like Marxist, Leninist, Marxist-Leninist, Trotskyist etc. There is an unwritten agreement from the time they are candidates for a teacher’s job — that they have to give a percentage of their salary [25%] to the party-funds and they must for their whole lives, help recruit fresh blood for the sake of some imaginary Revolution. Their ideology clearly does not believe in nationalist borders.
Watch this video here where on being asked if the Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression can be abused and misused to spread anti national propaganda, Kanhaiya Kumar was literally thrashed by journalist Deepak Chaurasia.
Watch this awesome video here where Deepak Chaurasia slams down Kanhaiya Kumar and rightfully exposed his cheap and anti national mentality.