Have you seen a child do this? If he falls down, first he looks for his mother, to see if she is around somewhere. If she is, then he cries. If she is not, what is the point?
Then he simply gets up, starts playing again because there is no point – nobody is paying any attention. Nobody will bother unless the mother is there. And sometimes it happens that after halfan hour the mother appears and he starts crying. Now it is absurd, but in a way logical. Becausewhat is the point in crying when the mother is not there? Even if you are hurt it is pointless. Whenthe mother comes now the hurt is no more, but it is meaningful to cry and weep for the hurt which isno more because the mother is expected to pay attention!
The mind is like a child. If you pay attention it cries. If you pay attention it creates problems. If you pay attention it goes on and on, there is no end to it. If you don’t pay attention, suddenly the child realizes the mother is no more there, the child by and by realizes the mother is gone, and then he stops. When the mind stops you are immediate, then you face reality directly. Then there is no mediator in between, nobody to color it. Then the perception is clear, pure – and you are in ETERNITY.
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