
Yasin Bhatkal And Four Other Terrorists Convicted By NIA Court In The Hyderabad Twin Blasts Case

An NIA court on December 13th, convicted five Indian Mujahideen (IM) terrorists including Yasin Bhatkal for their involvement in 2013 twin blasts in Hyderabad. The quantum of sentence will be given on December 19.

It is notable that this is the first time any IM terrorist has been convicted in India. Yasin’s aid and helpers, Mohammed Riyaz alias Riyaz Bhatkal — Asadullah Akthar alias Haddi, Zia Ur Rahman alias Waqas, Mohammed Tahseen Akthar alias Hassan, Ahmed Siddibappa Zarrar alias Yasin Bhatkal and Ajaz Shaikh — all were pronounced guilty.
This tragic incident saw the death of as many as 18 persons and 131 injured in the twin blasts that occurred on February 21, 2013.
NIA is a special National Investigation Agency Court that operates from the Charlapally Central Prison, and gave punishments to these terrorists under various provisions of IPC, along with certain Special Acts.

However, the main culprit and the mastermind of this incident, Riyaz Bhatkal, is still absconding.

Two separate cases were registered for the blasts. Initially, the investigative agencies were absolutely clueless. And hence, the said case was transferred to the NIA. The first important lead came in the form of video footage recorded by a traffic surveillance camera and a private camera in a shop.
By the end of August, 2013, all main accused were caught. Yasin Bhaktal was one of the most wanted criminals in India.
These convicts have also been accused of other such terrorist activities, carried out in similar fashion, in various different places. So it is a big day for all Indians, and perhaps, we can all heave a sigh of relief.

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