
You will shock to know what Demonetization did to Indian human trafficking industry

One of the benefits we can witness about the recent demonetization scheme launched by the Indian Government, is the halting of Indian trafficking industry. The human trafficking industry in India is an illegal industry, and yet amounts to Rs 20 Trillion.

The illegal trade of buying and selling young kids, mainly girls, and women, is rampant in many Indian states, from multiple parts of the country. After the launch of the demonetization scheme, the trade has come to a halt, as the whole industry operated on black money. The sellers are not ready to accept 500 and 1000 rupee notes, and buyers do not have enough new currency to make the deal. Thus bringing the industry to a standstill.

Usually the price of the trafficked person differs on the basis of their age group. Young girls, who are yet to hit puberty, are sold of for 5-6 lakhs, whereas young women, in early 20’s are sold for around 3-4 lakhs. Young girls from backward states like Jharkhand and other villages or southern states are sold of on the pretex of a job, or a happy married life. They are often lured in the trade, on the promise of a better life, which turns out being their greatest nightmare.

Due to demonetization, brothels across the nation are suffering losses, all the black money that was often used for running them, has been rendered useless. Neither can they accept it, nor can anyone give it.

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