
13 Natural Ways To Melt Stubborn Cellulite...

Today I wanted to talk to you about a question I get all the time. How do I get rid of cellulite? Here are some of the other names cellulite goes by – ‘Orange Peel’, ‘Cottage Cheese’ and ‘Dimples’. This is such a hot topic that I needed to share my top tips with you.
First let us really understand what cellulite is. We all know what it looks like, dimples on the thighs and booty. It can happen on women who are heavy and women who are thin. Cellulite has no enemies!
Cellulite has the ability to make us feel self-conscious and hide that we truly are by bringing down our confidence. Let us start banning cellulite today, no this very minute!

What Causes Cellulite?

Cellulite is mainly due to a sluggish lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is your body’s natural detox system. I like to describe it similar to a fish net that covers your entire body and lies right underneath your skin.
The lymph system is the body’s secondary circulatory system and helps to get rid of toxic waste, bacteria and dead cells and fatty deposits.
Men have collagen fibers arranged in horizontal nets rather than vertical fibers in women’s skin. This single file vertical structuring is what allows dermal fat to push through the skin, and is accentuated by women who have thinner skin than men. This thinner skin lets the fat push up through the fibers, appearing as dimpled skin.
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