You will be happy to know that India might soon win the member ship of Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). The current members of NSG are already encouraging and supporting India for the same. If India gets to procure this freedom, this might significantly increase the pressure on other small and developing countries.
Despite numerous countries that need to change their views and opinions over the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty (NPT), small countries are still under immense pressure.
The director of the Foreign Ministry of Disarmament, Mr. Kamran Akhtar has said that he is assured that the NSG nations will not disappoint us. However, if India does get this freedom, other countries will have a severe impact.
Mr. Akhtar had given this statement in the south Asian Conference on Protection, Power Balance And Stability. India’s membership will not only affect the small countries like Pakistan but also the non nuclear nations. The last meeting of NSG nations in the month of November in Vienna, the NSG nations could not stop the entry of NPT nations.
It is notable that NSG currently has 48 countries as members. According to an English daily, India, in order to be a member of these 48 countries’ group, will have to develop some well informed and pre planned strategy.
It should further be noted that China has repeatedly and consistently opposed India’s membership for NSG. Despite this, India has successfully managed to enter the 34 member country Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR).
Naturally, Pakistan is sweating bullets now. It is genuinely afraid that India might just be successful in gaining membership of this NSG. It is obvious that ever since the tragic 2008 terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India and Pakistan’s relations have soured.