Remember when Arvind Kejriwal formed the Aam Aadmi Party? Their tag line was ‘we will change the outlook of politics in India’. Funnily, it looks like the only change he has brought about in the country is making things worse. He has only change politics not for the good, but for the bad.

Each and every day he comes with a silly policy and has already spent tons of taxpayers’ money on foreign vacations, exotic trips and what not. He claimed to stand for the common man, but clearly, he was a liar.
Take a look at this RTI response which shows that he has spent a whopping Rs. 1,58,75,000/- of the hard earned money of the taxpayer on things like Facebook, Youtube and Google. The total amount of money that he has spent on the online advertisements and promotion is as follows:
Rs. 60,00,000 on Facebook.
Rs. 25,00,000 on Youtube and
Rs. 20,00,000 on Google display ads.
What is even more shocking is that this amount has been spent in just a matter of six days! This RTI response clearly shows that the states that he was targeting were “Delhi”, “Goa”, “Punjab”, “Himachal Pradesh” and “Gujarat”.
Wait. there’s more. He has spent another huge sum of money of about Rs. 20,00,000 on Facebook for PAN India programme.
Find the image of the RTI response and see for yourself.